Saturday, January 30, 2016


One-Stop-Shop to All Things Practically Perfect

Welcome ladies and gents to our Mary Poppins The Musical blog. What I will be doing is uploading collections of research information to aid in your work during the rehearsal process. Topics will span from production history, to character research, and even phonetic alphabet spellings for dialect help. My goal is to approach the blog from the production and performer standpoint, giving you any and all information you may need. Some will be a collection from various references, while others will be a direct copy and paste. Feel free to start a comment thread on any posts and have a conversation about the discussed topic! Remember to check back frequently to older posts as they may be updated throughout our production. And as always, if you find that there is something you would like posted, please do not hesitate to ask!

So let's get started, shall we?

Here is to our practically perfect production and the amazing work you all are and will do over the next eight weeks!!

"Broaden your horizon
Open different doors
You may find a you there
That you never knew was yours"

-Mary Poppins

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